ePrescription Statuses and Troubleshooting

Explains each ePrescription status and common reasons that ePrescriptions cannot be sent and how to troubleshoot them.

Table 1. ePrescription Statuses
Status Description
Sending The ePrescription is being sent to the ETP service.
Send failed Transmission to the ETP service failed. If a response from eRx is not received within the default timeout period (60 seconds), the ePrescription times out, a cancellation request is immediately sent to eRx, and the ePrescription is marked as failed.

Try to resend the ePrescription or print the prescription.

ePrescriptions that are not successfully sent or printed are not saved when the consult is ended.

Helix also runs a job every hour to send a cancellation request for any failed, uncancelled scripts within a previous one hour time window, from one hour ago; a job that runs at 3pm will look for scripts from 1pm - 2pm.

Sent The ePrescription was successfully sent to the ETP service.
Resent The ePrescription was successfully reissued.
Cancel Failed The cancellation request failed.
Deleted The ePrescription was either cancelled or deleted by the practitioner.
Resending The ePrescription is being reissued by the ETP service.
Cancelling The cancellation request is in progress.
Table 2. Reasons ePrescriptions may not be sent
Message Reason Location
You have opted out of using electronic prescribing - this can be enabled in Settings > Preferences. ePrescribing has not been enabled in Helix for this user. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Preferences > Prescribing Preferences.
You are not currently registered to use electronic prescribing - this can be updated in User settings. There is no eRx entity ID recorded in Helix for this user at this centre. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Users > Account List > Search > Edit > Account Details > Centres > ePrescribing Entity ID. For more information, see Edit a User and ePrescribing Entity ID.
Your HPI-I or HPI-O number is missing, these are required for electronic prescribing - these can be added in User and Centre settings respectively. There is no HPI-I recorded in Helix for this user. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Users > Account List > Search > Edit > Account Details > User Details > HPI-I. For more information, see Edit a User.
There is no HPI-O recorded in Helix for this organisation. From an administrative user account, select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Centre > Centre Settings > Demographics > HPI-O . For more information, see Electronic Prescribing.
No prescriber qualifications - these can be added in User settings. There are no qualifications recorded in Helix for this user. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Users > Account List > Search > Edit > Account Details > User Details > Qualifications. For more information, see Edit a User.
No patient IHI. There is no valid IHI number recorded in Helix for this patient. Select Patient Search > Patient Details. For more information, see Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI).
Patient IHI number status must be Active. The patient's IHI number and record status are not both Active and Verified. Select Patient Search > Patient Details. For more information, see Individual Healthcare Identifier (IHI) and IHI.
Patient has opted out of electronic prescribing - this can be changed in the patient’s demographics. The patient has opted out of ePrescribing. Select Patient Search > Patient Details > Patient Preferences IconPatient Preferences > ePrescribing Preferences. For more information, see Patient Preferences.