Send Multiple ePrescriptions

Simultaneously send multiple ePrescriptions to the ETP service (eRx) instead of printing paper prescriptions.

About this task

Send multiple ePrescriptions from the Consult actions > Prescriptions section during a patient consultation.

When you send all ePrescriptions, you know immediately whether the prescription has been successfully sent to the ETP service (eRx).


To send multiple ePrescriptions to the ETP service (eRx):
  1. Complete the prescription details. For more information, see Write Prescriptions.
  2. To save and add a new prescription, in the Prescription iconPrescription window, click Save & new and repeat the process to add each new prescription.
    To send an ePrescription individually, click Save & Send. For more information, see Send ePrescriptions.
  3. Once you have prescribed the required medications, click Save.
    You are redirected to the Consult panel iconConsult panel and the prescribed medications are added to the Consult actions > Prescriptions section.
    Prescribed medications list
  4. To send all ePrescriptions simultaneously, in the Prescriptions header, click Send all iconSend all.
    If the user or patient does not meet the eligibility criteria for electronic prescriptions, you cannot send all prescriptions to the ETP service (eRx) and the Send all iconSend all button is inactive. To view the reason, hover your mouse over the Send all iconSend all; a message is displayed with the reasons. For more information about troubleshooting the errors, see Reasons ePrescriptions may not be sent.
    Send all inactive example
    If the patient's IHI No. Status and Record Status are not both Active and Verified, you cannot send the prescription to the eRx service and the Save & send button is inactive.
  5. In the Sending prescription window, select the delivery method for all ePrescriptions, either SMS, Email or Printed token:
    • For SMS, in the Select or add a phone number field, either:
      • The patient's primary phone number from their patient details is displayed.
      • If a patient has registered more than one phone number, select the required phone number from the list taken from the patient details.
      • If a patient's phone number is not recorded, enter a new phone number.

      Send ePrescription delivery methods
    • For Email, in the Email address field, either:
      • The patient's primary email address from their patient details is displayed.
      • If a patient has registered more than one email address, select the required email address from the list taken from the patient details.
      • If you enter a new address, to add it as one of the two addresses for a patient in patient demographics, set Add email to patient file.

      Example Send ePrescription via email
    • For Printed token, the token is printed to your default printer. No further information is required.
  6. Preview the prescription details for all ePrescriptions.
    Send all ePrescriptions
    ePrescribing notes, such as Dispensing pharmacy, are included after the medication, before the IDs.
  7. If required, to make any changes to the prescriptions, click Cancel, update the prescription and repeat the above steps.
  8. If you are satisfied with the ePrescription, click Send.
  9. If you are prescribing a Schedule 8, controlled substance, reauthenticate:
    Controlled substance authentication
    1. In the Password field, enter your password.
    2. Click Authenticate.


The status of the transmission to the ETP service is displayed in the Consult actions > Prescriptions list.
Example eScripts in active consult
The phone number or address to which the token is sent is stored.
To view the recipient's address for SMS or Email delivery methods, hover your mouse over the delivery method icon. For more information about delivery method icons, see Delivery Method Icons.

After successful transmission to the ETP service, the status of the ePrescription is displayed as Sent. For more information about other statuses, see ePrescription Statuses.

For successful ePrescriptions, patients receive the following communication from the ETP service:
  • If emailed, an email from with the subject of Your Electronic Prescription for each medication. For example:
    Example emailed ePrescription
  • If sent by SMS, a text message from eScript SMS for each medication, with a link to the ePrescription. For example:
    Example SMS ePrescription & link

What to do next

If required, to cancel an ePrescription that has a status of Sending, in the Consult actions > Prescriptions list, click Cancel_iconCancel. After cancelling:
  • A cancellation request is sent to the ETP service (eRx).
  • The cancelled prescription returns to an unsent or unprinted status.

Cancel ePx
After the consult is completed, successfully transmitted scripts are listed in the Timeline with delivery details, quantity and repeats. For more information, see Prescriptions in the Patient Timeline.
Example ePrescription in the timeline