Transmit a Batch

Transmit a group of Medicare claims to Services Australia.

About this task

Transmit the group of claims from the Batched section on the Batch tab.


To Transmit a claim batch:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments iconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > Batch from the menu.
    Batch Menu
  2. From the Status list, select Batched. All batched patient claims are displayed chronologically.
  3. Expand the required day or date and select the required claim item to transmit.
    A list of associated consults are displayed.
    Expand the Batch
  4. To transmit a batch to Services Australia, click Transmit at the top-right of the panel.


A Spinner IconSpinner is displayed while the batch is being transmitted.
Transmit Spinner

A Tick iconTick indicates successful transmission of the batch to Services Australia.

What to do next

The batch moves to the Transmitted list until a response is received from Services Australia. If necessary, you can also retransmit a batch. For more information, see Retransmit a Batch.