
View a patient's MyMedicare registration details in Helix.

  • Create Visits and Arrive Appointments
  • Update Visits and Billing Items

Before you can view a patient's MyMedicare status, they must have registered their Medicare or DVA Veteran card and selected their healthcare providers in MyMedicare. For more information, see Registering for Patients.

For patients to select a practice as their preferred practice in MyMedicare, eligible healthcare providers must register for the MyMedicare program and their organisation in Services Australia. For more information, see Register for MyMedicare.

MyMedicare offers multiple schemes and benefits to the patients and healthcare providers, such as General Practice in Aged Care Incentive (GPACI), Frequent Hospital User incentive (FHU), Chronic Condition Management items and so on.

For more information about viewing the status, see View MyMedicare Registration Status.