View MyMedicare Registration Status

View the patient's MyMedicare registration status, active provider, the available schemes and pending actions in their record.

Before you begin

  • Create Visits and Arrive Appointments
  • Update Visits and Billing Items

About this task

View a patient's MyMedicare registration status details in the Visit panelVisit.


To view a patient's MyMedicare registration status:
  1. From the Patient search iconPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient.
  2. In the floating navigation bar, click Visit nav tabVisit.
  3. View the patient's MyMedicare Registration status in the banner. For more information about all statuses, see MyMedicare Statuses.
    MyMedicare registration
  4. To display additional details, such as descriptive status, active provider, eligible schemes or other details, hover your mouse over the Information icon.


The patient's MyMedicare registration details are displayed in the header of the patient record.
MyMedicare Registration complete details