Recalls in the Message Centre
Manage recall notifications from the Message Centre.
Before you begin
- View Recalls
About this task
Depending on your display preferences, the recalls
notification badge shows a count of the number of urgent, incomplete recalls that have
not yet had a successful contact attempt, for you as an individual or for the logged in
centre, irrespective of the time range selected. The count does not include:
- Actioned recalls that have had a successful contact attempt
- Completed recalls that have a completed date, removed date, or for which the patient has died
Set your recall badge notification count preference in Display Preferences.
To view recalls in the Message Centre:
In the
toolbar, select


On the Recalls tab, recalls information for the centre is displayed,
including the details of each patient's next appointment.

For each patient who has a recall, a recall notification icon is displayed next to the
Health Summary when the Patient Search and
other panes are collapsed.

Click the icon to go to