Delete Draft Invoices

You can delete draft invoices that are no longer needed. A deleted (draft) invoice cannot be recovered and reused.

About this task

Delete draft invoices in the transaction history list from History tab.


To delete draft invoices:
  1. Select Claiming, Banking, and Payments IconClaiming, Banking, and Payments > History from the menu.
    History Tab
    The Transaction History panel is initially displayed blank.
    Transaction History Panel
  2. In the Search by account holder field, to search the transactions, enter an account holder.
    Search Field Example
    Alternatively, in the Search by ref # field, enter a reference number.
  3. Hover your mouse over the required Draft invoice item and click Menu listMenu.
    List -Delete Draft Invoice
  4. From the list, select Delete Draft Invoice. You are redirected to the Delete Draft Invoice panel.
    Delete Draft invoice
  5. In the Reason for deleting field, select a reason for deleting the draft invoice.
    Delete Draft Invoice panel
  6. In the More Details field, specify additional details for deleting a draft invoice item if required.
  7. Click Delete.


A confirmation message is displayed at the top and the deleted draft invoice item is removed from the Transaction History.

What to do next

For more information about deleted draft invoice behaviour changes such as visits related behaviour, consults and HCP notes, see Actions - Deleted Draft Invoices.