Troubleshooting AIR Uploads
Sometimes an upload to the AIR fails and the upload status is set to Action required. You can review the most common reasons
why this might happen.
For immunisations that were not completed and are not waiting on confirmation and have failed to upload to the AIR, check the error returned from the AIR and correct the problem in Helix.
Immunisation details are incomplete or incorrect
Data | Rule | Error code |
Vaccine Code | Must be set | AIR-E-1023 |
Must be a valid format | AIR-E-1016 | |
Vaccine Dose | Either dose (this course) or dose number must be set | AIR-E-1024 |
Must be a valid format | AIR-E-1016 | |
Vaccine Batch Number | If set, must be a valid format | AIR-E-1016 |
Vaccine batch is optional except for some vaccines. If provided, it must have a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 | |
Date of Immunisation | Must be after the Individual’s date of birth. | AIR-E-1015 |
Cannot be a future date. | AIR-E-1018 | |
Cannot be prior to 1 Jan 1996. | AIR-E-1022 | |
Dose | The dose given exceeds the maximum allowed by AIR for a
course of immunisations for that vaccine. Tip: The AIR records vaccine doses at the
antigen level, not the vaccine brand. Notify the AIR of a
dose number based on the number of previous doses of a
particular antigen. For example, if the DTP vaccine Infanrix
Hexa dose 1,2 and 3 are recorded on the AIR for an
individual, and DTP vaccine Tripacel is given at 18 months,
Tripacel should be recorded as dose 4, because it is the
fourth of a DTP-containing vaccine. |
AIR-W-0105 |
Administered Overseas | Cannot be set if the immunisation was performed here and a value was provided for the immunisation provider, including provider number, HPI-I and HPI-O. | AIR-E-1070 |
Duplicate | Duplicate vaccination already exists in AIR. | AIR-E-0102 |
Provider and encounter errors
Data | Rule | Error code |
Information Provider Number | Must be a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 |
Must be comprised of:
If less than 8 characters, the numeric component will be filled with leading zeros prior to validation. | ||
If using an AIR Provider Number instead, it must comprise:
If the checks fail, an error is returned. | AIR-E-1017 | |
Provider number must exist and be current at the receipt date (current date) in the AIR System. | AIR-E-1029 | |
Immunisation Provider Number | If set, must be a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 |
Must be comprised of:
If less than 8 characters, the numeric component will be filled with leading zeros prior to validation. | ||
If using an AIR Provider Number instead, it must comprise:
Must be provided unless the encounter was given by another provider in Australia or an unknown provider. In this case, the AIR uses a generic history provider number to reflect an unknown provider was involved. This is not the information provider number in the add encounter request. | ||
If the checks fail, an error is returned. | AIR-E-1017 | |
Provider number must exist and be current at the date of service in the AIR System. | AIR-E-1028 | |
HPI-O Number | If set, must be 16 numeric characters. | AIR-E-1016 |
HPI-I Number | If set, must be 16 numeric characters. | AIR-E-1016 |
School ID | If set, must be a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 |
Must be a valid school ID. | AIR-E-1027 | |
Encounter | Must be a valid value. | AIR-E-1017 |
Must not be more than maximum encounter value of the claim. | AIR-E-1013 | |
Must be a valid sequential ID commencing with 1. | AIR-E-1041 | |
Claim Sequence Number | Must be set if Claim ID is set. This is a generated sequence, 0 - 9999. | AIR-E-1034 |
If set, must be a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 | |
Episode | Must be a valid value 1-5 episodes per encounter. | AIR-E-1017 |
Must be a valid sequential ID commencing with 1. | AIR-E-1014 |
Patient details are incomplete or invalid
If a patient's details are incorrect or invalid, correct them in the patient's demographics.
Data | Rule | Error code |
Combination of identifiers | If individual information provided is insufficient and the
minimum details required were not met, in Patient demographics,
ensure that at least one combination of the following identifiers
exists and is validated:
The AIR prioritises field matching in the order listed. If all fields are submitted, only the minimum fields are used for matching. This applies to adding a planned catch up and when adding an immunisation to the AIR. |
AIR-E-1026 |
Combination of identifiers | If an individual does not exist in the AIR, or a combination of the minimum requirements failed validation, an error is returned. | AIR-W-1004 |
Combination of identifiers for new individuals | Confirmation request for a new individual; minimum details not supplied. For confirmation of a new individual, the following information is required: given name, sex, address line one and postcode. For more information, see Immunisations with Errors. | AIR-E-1042 |
Date of birth | Must be in a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 |
Must be a valid date. | AIR-E-1017 | |
Must not be in the future. | AIR-E-1018 | |
Must not be more than 130 years in the past. | AIR-E-1019 | |
Sex | If set, must be either Male or Female. | AIR-E-1017 |
Sex mismatch | The sex of the patient recorded in the AIR and Helix are different. If you receive this error, record antenatal immunisations directly in the AIR. | AIR-E-1089 |
Given name | If included, must only contain alpha, numeric, apostrophe, space and hyphen characters. Spaces must not appear immediately before or after apostrophes and hyphens. | AIR-E-1016 |
Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander Status | If set, must be a valid value:
AIR-E-1017 |
Address Line One | If set, must be a valid format. Must only contain alpha, numeric, apostrophe, space, and hyphen characters. Spaces must not appear immediately before or after hyphens. The patient address cannot contain PO Box or c/-. | AIR-E-1016 |
Address Line Two | If set, must be a valid format. Must only contain alpha, numeric, apostrophe, space, and hyphen characters. Spaces must not appear immediately before or after hyphens. | AIR-E-1016 |
May only be set if line one of the address details is supplied; if Address Line Two is set, Address Line One must first be set. | AIR-E-1037 | |
Postcode | Must be a valid postcode An Administrator can review attempted
AIR claims for patients without a valid postcode in the log
file. Entries will be similar
AIR-E-1043 |
Restrictions | If the individual has certain restrictions on their record, an error is returned. Contact AIR for more information. | AIR-E-1058 |
Date | Rule | Error code |
Medicare Card Number | If set, must be 9 numbers and 1 card issue number. | AIR-E-1016 |
Must be set if Individual Reference Number (IRN) is set. | AIR-E-1020 | |
Individual Reference Number | Cannot be set to 0. | AIR-E-1017 |
If set, must be a valid format. | AIR-E-1016 | |
IHI Number | If set, must be 16 numeric characters. | AIR-E-1016 |
Planned catch up
- Where a patient is older than 20 years, a catch-up date will not be generated and the system will return an error of AIR-E-1047.
- A catch up date is only allowed to be set once per individual.
- If the existing catch up date or a generated catch up date is in the past, a warning is returned; AIR-W-1011.
- The catch up date is calculated as today + 6 months or patients 20th birthday; which ever is earlier.
- If the individual has certain restrictions on their record, an error of AIR-E-1067 will be returned; contact AIR for more information.