Edit an AIR Immunisation

If instructed to by the AIR, you can edit an immunisation record in the integrated AIR portal.

Before you begin

  • Configure Immunisation Settings

About this task

Update an immunisation details in the integrated Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) tab.


To edit an immunisation in the integrated AIR portal:
  1. Open a patient's Health Summary iconHealth Summary.
  2. In the Immunisations section, select Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) > Immunisations tab.
    AIR Immunisations List
  3. By default, the AIR immunisations are listed in the following order:
    • Immunisations that have an Action required_warning iconAction Required status are displayed first.
    • Listed immunisations are sorted by the Administered date in descending order (newest to oldest).
    • Listed immunisations are sorted alphabetically.
  4. Select the immunisation you want to edit, click Edit buttonEdit.
  5. Edit the immunisation details.
  6. Click Save and submit.


The updates are uploaded to the AIR and are added to the patient's immunisation record.