Keyboard Short Cuts
Use the general keyboard short cuts to access administrative and finance areas in Helix.
Short Cut | Feature |
F2 | Patient Search |
F3 | Patient Queue |
F4 | Appointments |
F5 | Batch |
F6 | Workers Compensation |
F7 | Receipt |
F8 | Bank |
F9 | Transaction History of All Claims for an Account Holder |
F10 | Recalls |
F11 | Tasks |
F12 | DMS or Inbox1 |
Alt + V | Create Visit |
Ctrl + F2 | Create New Patient Record |
Ctrl + F3 | Expand or Collapse Patient Demographics Header |
Ctrl + F9 | Patient Ledger |
Ctrl + Alt + U | System Alerts |
For clinical keyboard short cuts, see Keyboard Short Cuts for Consults.
1 Based on user permissions, Helix opens
either the DMS section (for clinical staff) or
Inbox section (for HCPs).