
Telehealth appointments can help to meet pandemic requirements and those for other infectious conditions.


Use the Telehealth appointment type to schedule telehealth appointments in the Appointment Book.

  • A Telehealth label identifies Telehealth appointments in the Patient Queue.
  • After confirming a patient's attendance, you can manually amend the status of the appointment to Confirmed or Declined.
  • A Phone appointment type is available in the appointment book. This enables you to identify any phone appointments in the appointment card.
  • A Phone label identifies Telehealth appointments in the patient queue.
  • Consult: Additional SNOMED codes to record a visit.
  • Fees: MBS Fees.
  • Investigations: New Pathology Requests.
  • Letter Writer: A template called COVID-19 clearance letter is available via Letter Writer and can be accessed from the search field. This helps doctors to provide medical clearance to patients who have completed a 14-day period of self-isolation due to COVID-19.