Activate a Schedule

A practice can have multiple immunisation schedules but only one schedule at a time can be active and in use practice-wide.

Before you begin

  • Configure Immunisation Settings
For a schedule to be active, the conditions are:
  • A schedule should not be made active until all its diseases, vaccines, and rules are added and completed.
  • The schedule must have been activated.
  • The schedule must have a start date. For more information, see Edit a Schedule.
  • You cannot activate a schedule if its schedule's start date is matched with start date of another active schedule.
  • The start date must be today or in the past.
  • The schedule's state must be in active state. A newly created schedule has the state Inactive, and remains so until you activate it manually. For more information, see Create a Schedule.

About this task

Activate the required schedule from Manage Schedule tab.


To activate a new schedule:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. In the Settings window, select Clinical > Immunisations.
  3. In the Immunisation Schedule window, select the Manage Schedule tab.
    Immunisation Schedule Window
  4. To activate the required schedule, click Edit buttonEdit.
    You cannot edit an active schedule.
  5. Set Active.
    Set Active to Activate an Immunisation Schedule
  6. Click Save.


The selected schedule is activated and the Manage Schedule table is updated.
Although the schedule is flagged as active, it will not actually become available for use during consultations until its start date.

What to do next

Once a schedule is set to active, you cannot edit its associated diseases, vaccines, and rules. However, you can clone the schedule and modify the clone. For more information, see Clone a Schedule.