Vaccine Management

Add vaccines for use in immunisation schedules and add details for vaccines that have been added for disease management.

Before you begin

  • Configure Immunisation Settings

About this task

The Manage Vaccine table is automatically populated with vaccines entered into the Manage Disease table.


To update vaccines:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings.
  2. In the Settings window, select Clinical > Immunisations.
  3. In the Immunisation Schedule window, select the Manage Vaccine tab.
    Example Manage Vaccine Window
  4. To make updates to reflect the Immunisations Schedule Input document, for the vaccine you want to update, click Edit buttonEdit, If required:
    1. In the Alias field, update the alias.
      Do not remove any drug names from the alias.
    2. In the Medicare Vaccine Code, enter a valid code, if it exists for the vaccine.
    3. In the Medicare Max Doses field, enter the maximum number of doses for the vaccine.
  5. Click Save.


The changes are updated in the Manage Vaccine table.

What to do next

If a vaccine is deleted from the Manage Disease tab, it is also removed from the Manage Vaccine tab.

If the vaccine is added again to the Manage Disease tab, add its details again.