Reverse a Receipt

If the visit details were incorrectly recorded, cancels the payment receipt.

Before you begin

  • If a patient claim has been submitted, you must complete a same-day delete before you adjust the receipt.
  • To reverse the receipt, you must first zero the value of the invoice amount and complete a Did Not Wait or reverse an invoice process. For more information, see Adjust - Item or Amount and Reverse Invoice.
  • After you have completed a reverse receipt process, the receipt can no longer be adjusted.

About this task

Reverse a receipt in the Transaction History panel.


To reverse a receipt:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient.
  2. To view a patient's transaction history, click Transaction history - iconTransaction History in the floating navigation bar. You are redirected to the Transaction History panel.
    Transaction History
    To minimise the number of transactions on the screen, apply filters such as a date range, reference number or set a status of Receipts.
  3. Hover your mouse over the receipt item and click Menu.
  4. From the list, select Adjust.
    Adjust receipt
  5. Hover your mouse over the selected receipt item and click Delete iconDelete. No receipt items are displayed for the receipt.
    Delete receipt confirmation message.
  6. From the Category list, select an appropriate category for an adjustment.
  7. In the Reason field, enter a reason for reversing the receipt.
  8. Click Save. An Adjust Receipt confirmation prompt is displayed.
  9. To complete a reverse receipt, enter your credential details:
    Adjust Receipt confirmation
    1. In the User Signoff section, enter your username and password.
    2. In the Witness Signoff section, enter the witness user's username and password and use a domain account.


A confirmation message is displayed at the top.