Inbox Status and Document Types

Describes the types of document in the Inbox and their status.

Table 1. Inbox status
Status Description
New Displays the results which are newly received in the Inbox and have not yet been reviewed or actioned.
Follow up Lists all items that have been flagged to follow up.
Actioned Displays items that have been actioned by the practitioner.
Deleted Displays all deleted items.
You can access the deleted items for 30 days, after which they are archived.
Table 2. Document types
Icon Document Type
Pathology report-icon Pathology Report
Abnormal pathology report Abnormal Pathology Report
Radiology report -icon Radiology Report
Medication chart-icon Medication Chart
Letter-icon Letter
Referral-icon Referral
Workers compensation-icon Workers Compensation
Discharge summary Discharge Summary
Other icon Other