Edit Recurring Appointments

Users with access to the Appointments IconAppointments book can update the patient's appointment details.

Before you begin

  • View Appointments
  • View All Appointment Books
  • Edit Appointments
  • Create Appointments
  • Delete Appointments
You must first create a recurring appointment for the patient.

About this task

Update the patient's appointment details for selected and future appointments from the Appointments section.


To edit recurring appointments:
  1. In the Appointments IconAppointments book, select the appointment you want to update.
  2. Click Edit.
    Tip: Alternatively, use the drag handle to reschedule the appointment to a new time. For more information, see Reschedule an Appointment Time or Date.
  3. Edit the appointment details you can edit:
    Confirm or Decline the appointment
    In the Appointment details section:
    • The current status of appointment is displayed in the heading on the right. To view details of the appointment, click Appointment Action - BookedBooked.
    • To confirm an appointment, select Select action > Confirm:
      • After the changes are saved, the appointment's status changes to Confirmed.
      • To view the status details, click Appointment Action - ConfirmedConfirmed.
      • In the Appointments IconAppointments book, the appointment status is shown as Appointment Action - ConfirmedConfirmed.
    • To decline an appointment, select Select action > Decline. After you have declined an appointment:
      • In the Appointments IconAppointments book, the appointment is greyed out.
      • The appointment status is shown as Declined- ResultDeclined.
        Declined Appointment - Appointment book
    • If required, from the Description list, select a previous description.
    Note: For confirm, decline, and did not attend appointment statuses, you can set the status individually for each appointment, but not for an entire series.
  4. To update the recurrence details:
    1. From the current recurrence list, select the required interval.
      Edit recurring details
      Tip: To cancel the recurrence, select Does not repeat. For more information, see Cancel Recurring Appointments.
    2. In the Custom recurrence panel, update the details you want. For more information about custom recurrence, see Custom Recurrence.
    3. Click Done.
  5. If you want to edit a future appointment or appointments in a series, click Future appointments list iconFuture Appointments and select the appointment you want to edit, or the appointment from which you want to make changes.
    Future appointments Panel
  6. Click Save.
    To undo the changes, click Reset.
  7. After you have saved the appointment details, in the Edit recurring event panel, select:
    Edit recurring event
    • This event - only the selected event is updated. The updated event is detached from the series.
    • This and all following events - update the event you select and all events in the series that follow that event. A new series is created for these events. You lose any customisations to the events in the series and past events remain unchanged.
    • All events - update all future events in the series from now. A new series is created for these events. You lose any customisations to the events in the series and past events remain unchanged.
  8. Click Save.


After you have updated the recurring event details, the selected appointments are updated in the Appointments IconAppointments book.