Care Plans

Use the Chronic Disease Management (CDM) feature to specify care plans.

Before you begin

  • View Care Plans
  • Update Care Plans

About this task

Helix provides a set of care plan templates:
  • GPMP
  • TCA
  • GPMP + TCA
Select the required template to create a care plan for your patient.


To add a care plan:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient and click Consult buttonConsult.
  2. In the Consult panel, select More > CDMCDM.
  3. In the CDM panel, select a care plan from the list of available Care Plan templates.
    Care plans that have previously been added are listed. Select an existing plan to review it, or add a new plan.
    In our example, we have selected GPMP.
    Example care plan
  4. If you have the Create Care Plan on behalf of HCP permission and are creating the care plan on behalf of a health care professional, select their name from the HCP list and click OK.
  5. In the care plan, the existing authority information, Conditions, Health Summary, and biometrics for the patient are displayed on the left-hand side. If you need to update this information, click Update.

    Example care plan
  6. To include or exclude information, set Include.
  7. To add a condition to the care plan:
    1. From the Conditions list, select a condition. In our example, we have added Asthma.
      Conditions selection example
    2. To edit a row of information, click in it to activate edit mode. Make changes as desired. Click off the panel to accept the changes.
      • The image below displays an example of a care plan in edit mode. Notice that each field of information is active, awaiting your input.
        Condition in edit mode
      • Assign providers to the suggested needs. For example, we have indicated that the need of Give a patient a better understanding of asthma in the Needs column, must be provided by an Asthma Educator, in the Assignee column. Remove providers you don't need. To add more providers, click in the field, and select the provider from the list.
      • If you feel that an entire row of information does not relate to your patient, click Delete buttonDelete.
        Delete is available only in edit mode.
      • You can 'favourite' a condition, making it easy to select the next time you create a care plan. To do so, click the condition to go into edit mode, make changes as desired, add a description, and click Favourite Template iconFavourite. Favourites appear at the top of the Conditions list.
        Example favourite condition
    3. Add more conditions as required.
    4. To add extra goals, needs or tasks, scroll to the bottom of the Condition section, and click Add needs/ goals/ task.
    5. (Optional) Depending on the condition, you might be required to include additional providers in the care plan. This list will appear towards the bottom of the condition details. Enter an assignee for each speciality listed. The assignee is mandatory.
      The providers that appear in the Additional Providers list are copied from the Assignee sections of your Care Plan. If you want to remove a provider from this list, locate them in the Care Plan body and remove them from there.
    6. Depending on the condition, a recall is automatically added to the condition at six months in the future. To edit the recall date, click the calendar and select a new date. For example:
      Example Recall
    7. To remove a condition from your care plan, clickRemove next to the name of the condition. If you cannot see this button, it is probably because you are in edit mode.
  8. Click Save and Print.


The completed care plan is saved to the Consult actions > Other actions section of the Consult iconConsult panel and printed.
Example Actions

For the TCA and GPMP+TCA care plans, an EDC form is also added to Consult actions > Other actions. This is a government requirement when certain specialities are selected.

Alternatively, to save the care plan to complete at a later time, click Save as Draft.

Click Cancel to close the Care Plan panel without saving. To return to the list of care plans, click Return to CDM instead.

When the consult ends, the plan is added to the Patient Timeline iconPatient Timeline. For more information, see Care Plans in the Timeline.