Activate B2B Device

Activate your B2B device to access a range of health provider services such as Medicare Online, Australian Immunisation Register (AIR) and other services.

Before you begin

You must first register your B2B device for your organisation with PRODA and obtain the device activation code from Services Australia. For more information, see Register B2B Device.
  • Update Centre Settings

About this task

Activate a B2B device in the B2B Devices section from Settings iconSettings.
Activate your device within 24 hours of registering it with PRODA.


To activate a B2B device:
  1. Select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Centre > B2B Devices.
  2. In the PRODA Device Activation window, in the Device name field, enter the same device name provided to PRODA.
    PRODA Activation screen
    The device name must be 5 characters with no spaces and also may contain any of the following characters:
    • Alphanumeric
    • Underscores
    • Hyphens
    • Full stops
  3. In the PRODA RA field, enter your valid 10-digit organisation ID.
  4. In the Device activation code field, enter the 10-character alphanumeric code provided by PRODA.
  5. Click Activate device.


After your device is successfully activated, it will remain valid for 6 months. You will need to renew it from PRODA at least every 6 months to avoid interruption to the connected services.
PRODA Device Activated

If your B2B device activation fails, review the device details with PRODA.

What to do next

If your B2B device registration has expired or is close to expiring (less than 2 weeks), a warning message is displayed after you have logged in to Helix.
Device expired notification
To renew your B2B device:
  1. In the PRODA portal, generate a new activation code. For more information about generating a new code in PRODA, see Generate New Code.
  2. In Helix, select User iconuser > Settings iconSettings > Centre > B2B Devices, enter the new code in the Device activation code field.
  3. Click Activate device.