Create Imaging Requests

Create a radiology imaging request from the patient's record.


To create a Radiology Imaging request:
  1. From the PatientPatient Search or Patient Queue iconPatient Queue, select a patient and click Consult buttonConsult.
  2. In the Consult panel, click Imaging- Icon Imaging.
  3. In the Diagnostic Imaging panel, select the required imaging type from the list.
    Diagnostic Imaging
  4. Select the required the tests from the list. The tests available will change depending on which test type you select.
    Example Xray tests
    The selected tests are added to the Tests Requested section on the right side of the panel.
    • A maximum of 7 tests can be selected per request.
      Diagnostic Imaging Test Request -Example
    • To remove a test, hover your mouse over it, and click Delete-Icon Delete.
    • In the blank field, enter a custom test if it is not available in the list.
      Test Requested - Blank Field
  5. (Optional) In the Clinical Notes field, enter any clinical notes required.
  6. (Optional) In the Copy To field, add the Practitioner's name.
    You can send a copy of this request to up to 3 other practitioners. To add their location, select the box and enter the address.
  7. (Optional) In the Options field, select the required options:
    • Urgent
    • Send with Patient
    • Pregnant (displayed for female patients, 12+ years of age).
  8. Once you have completed all the details, select any of the following options:
    • Generic - select which paper to print the request on, to hand to your patient. The default is configured in Centre Settings. For more information, see Centre Settings.
    • Save - save the request to the Consult actions > Other actions section of the Consult panel. To print the detail, click Print-iconPrint.
    • Save & Print - to save the request to the Consult actions > Other actions section of the Consult panel, and print by default.


The request is displayed in the Consult actions > Other actions section of the Health Summary Imaging Request. For more information see, Health Summary.
Other actions - Pathology request
The print status is also displayed:
  • If the Print Button Print is displayed, the request has not been printed.
  • If the Reprint ButtonReprint is displayed, the request has been already printed.

When the consult is exited, the saved and printed imaging request is added to the Patient Timeline. For information, see Timeline.

What to do next

From the Consult actions > Other actions section, Practitioners can open an imaging request that has not already been printed, but cannot open printed requests.

  • If new changes are made, and the request is saved again, the original imaging request is updated. No new entry is made in the Consult actions > Other actions section.
  • To print multiple items from Consult actions > Other actions section that have not been printed, click Print AllPrint All.
  • To delete a request from Consult actions > Other actions section, hover the mouse over the request and click Delete icon.