Record a Patient's Consent to Receive SMS
Before a patient can receive SMS messages from your centre, they must have consented to receive SMS message and their patient record must have this consent recorded.
Before you begin
- Update Patient
To record a patient's consent to receive SMS messages:
From the main menu, select
Patient Search.
In the
Search for patient field, start typing a patient's name and select the required patient in the list.
To edit a patient's details:
- From a healthcare professional's account, in the
Consult panel's header, select either the patient's name, date of birth, contact details or email.
- From a non-clinical user's account, in the
Visit panel's header, click
- From a healthcare professional's account, in the
In the Patient Details window, Contact
numbers section, ensure you have recorded a mobile phone number for the
- Select .
- In SMS Preferences, click Opt In.
- Click Save.
As soon as a patient's record is updated they can receive SMS appointment reminders sent from your practice.
Example notification sent to the patient.