System Requirements for Helix

Identify the computer hardware, operating system and software requirements for running Helix.

You should consult a Microsoft Certified Technician to determine requirements and licensing to meet your individual needs.

System recommendations are minimum guidelines. Actual requirements will vary based on your system configuration, installed applications and usage.

Item Requirement
CPU Intel i3 or better
RAM 4GB or higher
Storage Helix software does not require a lot of local storage, but the operating system and browser should have a recommended minimum of 2GB free space to allow for caching.
Monitor Minimum supported resolution is 1920x1080 pixels
Internet 2 Mbps download / upload per session and <250 millisecond latency recommended

Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Services and Citrix

Terminal Services / Remote Desktop Service, or Citrix operating environments generally require a qualified professional technician to manage and configure. Helix support services are limited to the operation of MedicalDirector software in these environments.

Operating System

Helix is verified on the following environments:
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 10


The current version of Google Chrome is required.