Clinical Item Groups
Clinical Item Groups define collections of Clinical Item Types that have some common characteristic. Groups can be very useful for analysing Clinical Data. For example, a group could be created to link all Endocrine related diseases. The Endocrine Group could then be used to report or analyse all Endocrine related diseases in a single step, rather than reporting each disease separately.
Any number of groups may be defined and a Clinical Item Type may belong to any number of groups.
Tip: Ensure that you add a definition and describe exactly what the group is intended to be used for. If you don't add a definition, the group may be misunderstood and misused at some time in the future.
Adding a Clinical Item Group
- Select .
- In the Clinical Item Type Group Maintenance window, click +Add Row.
- In the new row, add a clinic item group name.
- Click
Ellipsis and in the Group Definition window, add a description for the group
- Click 'Save'.
Results and next steps
The Clinical Item Group is created. Now add a Clinical Item Type to the group.
Adding Clinical Item Types to Groups
- Select .
- On the 'Groups' tab, in the Locate field, enter the group you want to add the Clinical Item Type to.
- Set Member for this group.
- Click 'Save'.
Clinical Item Group Keywords
Some reports in Communicare use the clinical item groups browser. Add Clinical Item Group Keywords to help you locate clinical item groups.
- Select .
- Define your keywords in the upper grid and associate these keywords with groupers using the bottom grid. There are restrictions on the editing of ICPC-2 PLUS groupers and group keywords, but you can add local keywords to an ICPC-2 PLUS grouper, and add ICPC-2 PLUS keywords to a local grouper.
Colour Coding
- Black - ICPC-2 PLUS terms
- Blue - other items distributed by Communicare
- Purple - local terms