Appointment Details
When booking an appointment, after you have selected a timeslot and the patient, the Appointment Details window is displayed.
To complete appointment details:
If you need to view or update the patient's details, click
- If required, in the Booking Comment field, add booking information. This is displayed as a service message in the Service Recording window. For example, the urgency of the appointment.
- If required, in the Operator Initials field, enter your initials. If no initials are entered, the login username is instead recorded. If initials are entered, both the login username and the initials are recorded.
- If you want to make this a double appointment, set Append next timeslot. Communicare merges this timeslot with the next if it is available.
- If required, from the Appointment Type list, select the type of appointment. If you are booking an appointment from the Incoming Referral Details window, you must select an appointment type.
In the Booking Requirements list, set any booking
requirements and type any comments.
When the Transport Management module is enabled, any Transport requirement is replaced with the Transport Management functionality. To add a transport requirement with the relevant information from the appointment booking, set Transport Management. To display the transport requirements for the patient, select the blue Transport link.